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Ruby Conf 12 - Refactoring from Good to Great by Ben Orenstein
Aloha Ruby Conf 2012 Refactoring from Good to Great by Ben Orenstein
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2012 - Refactoring from Good to Great by Ben Orenstein
RubyConf AU 2013: Refactoring from Good to Great - A Live-Coding Odyssey by Ben Orenstein
Refactoring Ruby Code ☆ from Good to Great
Ben Orenstein - Live Coding with Ben - Ancient City Ruby 2013
Cascadia Ruby Conf 2012 Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen
Ben Orenstein
Ruby Conf 12 - Ruby Vs. The World by Matt Aimonetti
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2017 - Trust, But Verify (Programmatically) by Ben Orenstein
Watch Me Patch Some Rails Code
Hashrocket interviews Benjamin Orenstein at Scottish Ruby Conference 2012